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History Kronshtadt Museum

Leningradskaya str. 2

The museum offers a time  travel to find out about 300 years history of Kronshtadt, about glorious traditions of the town - fortress and port - and to learn its place in the Russian history .
Museum collection comprises a lot of interesting exhibits: the fort "Kronshlot" model,  Kotlin island from a bird - eye view, a piece of the Kronshtadt the first in Russia water-pipe system and numerous photos, documents and antique household objects.
Huge horizontal sun dial, two fountains and the sculpture of the «Water-carrier» are situated in the park nearby the museum.


Opening hours: Monday-Sunday 11am-6pm, ticket office: Monday-Sunday 11am-5.30pm (Closed on Wednesday during winter)
Tel/fax: +7 812 435 08 73



Memorial Flat of St.John of Kronshtadt

Posadskaya str. 21 flat 13

Opened in 1999 the memorial flat appears to be a pilgrim spot. Inside one can learn about life of a famous priest and participate in prayings. St.John of Kronshtadt had been living here for more than a half of a century. He prepared inspiring sermons and wrote spiritual diary which later became a famous book. He founded churches, took part in charity. St.John of Kronshtadt still cure people from different illnesses.


Opening hours: Monday,Wednesday-Sunday 12am-17pm
Tel: +7 812 311-77-45, +7 812 311 87 02
Site: www.leushino.ru/kvartira/index.html

Kronshtadt Sea Museum

Andreevskaya str. 5

The museum was founded in 2012 by public enthusiasts. The Kronshtadt Sea Museum  is aimed at historical and modern technic in diving, patriotical education. The exhibition inclides rare diving equipment and unique items connected with diving.
фото Юлии Мельниковой  p1150955.jpg.jpg  фото Юлии Мельниковой

Opening hours: Tuesday-Sunday 11a.m. - 18p.m.

Теl: +7 812 311-03-00